Virtual Striker 2 ver. 2000.1

明快流暢,畫面華麗的Virtual Striker系列,教人難以忘懷。整個系列裡頭我只愛VS2 ver.2000,為了這個遊戲去買已經停產的主機。一班人一起玩,肯定會笑爆嘴。中學時候開始在天福玩,在台灣時街機沒足球game,在美國無錢買移值版(只能看雜誌短評);回到澳門說甚麼都要去買一台Dreamcast,專為了它。
後來的VS3, 4都失去原有的流暢風格和仔細,根本不好玩。趕流行的才不管,只管玩最新的。而我還是留戀這個八年好朋友。


Anonymous said...

Don't you think mystery is something that can last for a long time?
After a hectic Christmas and new year, Edinburgh finally rested itself in white snow.
Have a lovely year ahead.


OVM said...

Mystery reminds me of a genre of cheap thriller fiction. Wonder might be a warmer word for that.
Edinburgh in white is something that I wanted to see and haven't.