(Is This The Way To) Amarillo

1971年的老歌,美國人寫的歌卻在英國出名。到2005年的Comic Relief慈善運動被拿來做主題曲,Peter Kay拍了個白癡MV:

這Peter Kay長的真像Dino。

不到兩個月,駐在伊拉克的英國皇家龍騎兵近衛團(Royal Dragoon Guards)拍了這樣一條惡搞版MV:

最初片段透過電郵在親友間傳播,但反映之熱烈出乎意料,連國防部的侍服器也不堪下載負荷而垮掉。影響之大,不單BBC有報導,更加引起聯軍駐外部隊的跟拍潮。去年的Edinburgh Tattoo,也特別唱了一小段Is This The Way To Amarillo,可見這歌在軍隊中有多受歡迎。


When the day is dawning,
On a Texas Sunday Morning
How I long to be there
With Marie whos waiting for me there

Every lonely city
Where I hang my hat
Ain't as half as pretty,
As where my baby's at

Theres a church bell ringing
hear the song of joy that its singing
For the sweet Maria
And the guy whos coming to see her

Just beyond the highway
Theres an open plane and it keeps me going
Through the wind and rain

Is this the way to Amarillo?
Every night ive been hugging my pillow
Dreaming dreams of Amarillo
And sweet Marie who waits for me
Show me the way to Amarillo
Ive been weeping like a willow
Crying over Amarillo and sweet Marie who waits for me

Sha la la la la la la [X3]
And Marie who waits for me

用積極的旋律表達對愛人的思念,我想這也是讓士兵們同嗚的地方。在危險的地方進行政治不正確的任務,需要勇氣和士氣及親人的支持。龍騎兵衛隊的短片教我更喜歡這首歌,因為當中包含了很多我重視的價值:樂觀、享受生命、人情味(留意片末注明"by kind permission of Supreme Comd. Allied Force Al Faw")。
在Server down機事件後,英國國防部公開支持士兵拍片,並說條片"brilliant"。可能不是完全由衷,但最少明白了士氣的重要。想想若這事發生在港澳,Dept. head會唔會俾你咁玩,上左youtube之後報紙會點賣......

1 comment:

KennethJ said...

